
Welcome! I’m Cassie and the below picture is my idea of relaxing!

Credit to www.buzzhunt.co.uk for the perfect picture to get my point across!

As a girl who grew up in the country, and didn’t hate it, living in the city can be hard sometimes. Besides the endless restaurant options, concerts available every night, and any type of shopping you could desire there is one thing I’m not such a fan of.. ALL THE PEOPLE. Getting out in nature is my reprieve and the only way I can live in a city longterm. The picture above is the perfect example, beautiful untouched nature!

I get out in nature as often as possible and don’t think I should have to spend a lot to do so. I’m not exactly cheap (although some would call me that).. I just work in Finance, for my serious job, so I know the value of a dollar and don’t like to see that money just disappear on something I don’t think is worth it.

I plan to share my adventures, reviewing parks, trails, and misteps / learnings along the way.. I’m not a professional by any means and I think that’s the point. I want to encourage other average guys and gals to enjoy the great outdoors and see what nature has to offer.

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